What's Northern CAPITAL !

Abou Us

For more than 10 years, Northern Capital has been a trusted partner and Asset advisor to  Highnetworth and other  investors.

We partnered with asset consulting firm and corporation tax accountant that you can trust, we have the support some of each other.

We, in order to solve the asset customer issues, identify and analyze the nature of the problem, or incorporated into the portfolio at a fair price and income property that matches for customers, you can off-balance by the SPC, sell the corporation, such as the newly established or merger, by combining in a comprehensive manner, reducing the risk of future.










Corporate Real Estate


Corporate Profile

Corporate Name

Northern CAPITAL Co., Ltd.



April 30, 2004



President  Juichi Murakami



Win Aoyama Bldg 325  ,
2-2-15 MinamiAoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

tel +81(3)6447-5490

fax +81(3)6447-5491

e-mail : jmurakami@north-jp.com


Amount of stated capital

10 million yen



Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business, Tokyo Governor (4) #83331

J.Murakami is a registered “Rreal estate consulting master” with the Minister of Land ,Ifrastracture , Transport and Tourism –Japan.



Northern Capital Co.,LTD  is a registered the License of broker-dealer with the Goverenor of Tokyo .

The license number : Governor of Tokyo(3)83331

J.Murakami is a registered “Rreal estate consulting master” with the Minister of Land ,Ifrastracture , Transport and Tourism –Japan.